Comprehensive RISk assessment of basic services and transport InfraStructure (CRISIS) is a project funded by the European Union under grant agreement: 101004830 — CRISIS — UCPM-2020-PP-AG. The project, coordinated by IZIIS, started in November 2020 and will last for two years.
The CRISIS project aims to improve the current disaster (both natural and man-made) and emergency management system in the cross-border area defined by North Macedonia, Albania, and Greece (see figure below). The focus area includes 18 municipalities in North Macedonia, 11 districts in Albania, and 12 municipalities in Greece, and is characterised with a great variety of natural hazards, especially seismic and landslide hazards.
To reach its goal, CRISIS intends to build a harmonised and efficient system to assess the risk of basic services (e.g. health facilities, educational facilities, etc.) and transport infrastructure in the project area. This system will be represented by a geo-referenced web platform (WBP), whose development will be carried out by EUCENTRE. This platform aims to collect, organise, and visualise data of structures and infrastructures located in the target region, including their vulnerability parameters, and will be able to provide rapid risk information, in line with the identified exposure model. Also, it will allow to predict possible losses and identify potential disruptions of critical infrastructures.
The final results of CRISIS will benefit the national civil protection and disaster management authorities in the cross-border region. They will also be joined by all the academic institutions in the consortium who, by sharing data and knowledge on the topics dealt with in CRISIS, will strengthen the bond of mutual cooperation, which will be useful for further collaborations.