On 12 December 2022, the closing event of the European project BORIS (Cross BOrder RISk assessment for increased prevention and preparedness in Europe) was held at the Eucentre Foundation.
During the event, the entities participating in the project have presented the activities and the results of their two-years collaboration.
Funded by the Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO), and coordinated by the CI3R consortium, BORIS dealt with the assessment of seismic and flood risk and its potential impact in the border areas between several countries participating in the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism.
On 12 December, the methodology developed for single and multi-risk assessment was presented, as well as an integrated web platform which were applied in two pilot case studies in border sites (Italian-Slovenian and Slovenian-Austrian borders) allowing to evaluate the necessary data in the selected sites and to perform seismic and flood risk assessment.
In addition to the DG-ECHO Project Officer, Dr. Christian Aagaard, also some representatives of the reference steakholders, such as the Civil Protection Department, were present at the event.