The SIMULATOR-ADS project (Integrated modulare system for risk management and prevention – snriched with satellite data) is an initiative carried out under the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, “INVESTMENTS IN FAVOR OF GROWTH AND EMPLOYMENT ”(co-financed by FESR) which is part of the PRIORITY AXIS I – STRENGTHENING RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION, Action I.1.b.1.3 – Support for collaborative R&S activities for the development of new sustainable technologies, new products and services “Call for LINEA R&S PER AGGREGAZIONI”.
The project was developed with the aim of supporting Local Administrators or Civil Protection Operators in the phases of forecasting, prevention and response to natural events (hydraulic / hydrogeological risk, forest fire / interface risk, seismic risk) or anthropic (chemical / industrial risk), through a decision support system and a WebGIS powered by heterogeneous sources, including satellite images (flooded areas and burned areas), institutional and modelled scenarios, weather forecasts, territorial sensors. SIMULATOR-ADS led to the creation of two products:
1) an innovative platform to support local authorities for monitoring and real-time risk management actions;
2) an app that can be used by Civil Protection operators and citizens to send reports to the platform.
The platform is ready to contribute to the E015 digital ecosystem.
The project partners are: