Eucentre needs allies: research, experimentation, training, information in the field of earthquake engineering must be nourished by ideas, incentives, critiques, requests that cannot come only from the inside, but they must be gathered from the outside world, from those who deal daily with reality and with the problems of people, companies and institutions.
Thanks to its expertise and experience, Eucentre aims at being both the promoter and member of a competence network, influencing positively both the progress of earthquake engineering and the prevention culture, ultimately generating an improvement of living conditions of the population.
Eucentre for Stakeholders and Partners:
Develops projects in the field of safety engineering
Cooperates in university training activities
Supports continuing training activities
Promotes the integration of complementary expertise and interests
Provides databases for data usability
Implements platforms for natural and man-made risk assessment
Realizes “incident evolution tools” for emergency support