The PRISMA project, (Flat Cloud Interoperable for SMArt-government), funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Research of the National Operational Program 2007-2013, smart technologies for smart government and Smart health.
The reference sector is that of the security of territorial systems in front of disastrous events, in which the use of information and communication technologies in the Public Administration means the adoption of shared prevention policies.
Seismic risk
In the area of assisted assessment of seismic risk on a territorial scale, of vulnerability and of the agility and monitoring of buildings, PRISMA is developing an application of general value as Software as a Service, to be made available for experimentation with the municipalities of Enna and Messina.
The application allows to collect the precise data relating to the physical-mechanical characteristics of buildings, from remote structural monitoring systems based on wireless sensors, from structural surveys Geophysical / Geotechnical or from drones in flight recognition, and to evaluate them in real time on the basis the seismic hazard of sites using structural modeling / analysis applications and an advanced seismic risk calculation engine.
The application under development will provide services for evaluation of the pre and post event performance (residual capacity and usability), the possible damage scenarios, the assessment of the Sysimic Risk at the territorial level, the alerting and the evaluation of the systemic vulnerability thanks also integration with a powerful WebGIS and other management user interfaces.