Department Construction and Infrastructure
Stefano obtained his Master Degree in Civil and Structural Engineering at the University of Pavia (Italy) in February 2012.
Afterwards, he graduated with a Master of Science Degree in Earthquake Engineering at the IUSS Pavia (UME School) in February 2014 and a Ph.D. in Earthquake Engineering and Seismology at the IUSS Pavia (UME School) in February 2018, spending a visiting period at the University of Adelaide (Australia).
He has been working at Eucentre since March 2012.
His main interest is the seismic behaviour of masonry structures. In particular, he works on the analysis and improvement of the Italian code approach for the seismic assessment of existing buildings, on the development of the software TREMURI for the seismic analysis of masonry buildings based on the equivalent frame approach, on the numerical simulation of static and dynamic experimental tests, on the development of numerical models of buildings and on the evaluation of seismic vulnerability of buildings by means of derivation of fragility curves.
He also participated to post-earthquake surveys.