Practitioners, Industry and Associations Partnerships Scheme
The Eucentre Foundation promotes the development of lasting partnership agreements with practitioners. The statute foresees for this purpose that agreements can be made with individual professionals who participate in the activities of the Foundation as Partners with the purpose of achieving its social goal, and commit themselves to cooperate with the Centre for a certain period of time. According to the provisions of its statute, Eucentre encourages collaborative relationships with practitioners, with the aim of actively supporting them by sharing information through educational and cooperative activities, facilitating the exchange of information among members and others, fostering a sense of shared commitment among the diverse communities dedicated to earthquake risk management, promoting research, speaking with a common voice to public forums and legislative bodies on behalf of the diverse risk management community. The Eucentre also establishes permanent cooperation agreements with companies that operate in the different areas related to Earthquake Engineering, such as:
- the development of technologies and equipment for the protection of works and buildings and for the reduction of the seismic risk;
- the development of materials and construction techniques with elevated resistance characteristics as well as deformation and dissipative capacities;
- the development of instruments and equipment for the control of the response and the measurement of several physical aspects, such as forces, displacements, velocity, acceleration;
- the development of techniques and experimental and numerical instruments which are useful for the development of knowledge in the field of Earthquake engineering. The Eucentre statute (art. 11) regulates the Industry partners committee and establishes that the rights and duties of these partners are determined by special single convention agreements.
A third type of convention was created, specifically designed for the Institutions of Engineers. Joining this initiative gives partners the possibility of subscribing advantageous agreements with the Eucentre Foundation, in cooperation with other organisations and institutions. Moreover Eucentre offers discounts and special terms regarding the participation to training activities, the purchase of last generation software, free shipment of its own publications included the journal Progettazione Sismica, free access to its Documentation Centre and Library with support for bibliographic searches. These agreements foresee, among other things, the possibility for practitioners and industry Partners to indicate technical needs, problems, lines of development and research topics considered of particular interest through their representatives within the Foundation Scientific Committee.