As part of the “Learning from Earthquakes” program, the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) joined with the European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering (EUCENTRE) and Rete dei Laboratori Universitari di Ingegneria Sismica (ReLUIS) to conduct a reconnaissance trip in the areas in Central Italy affected by the 2016 seismic sequence.
The reconnaissance took place from 8 to 12 May 2016; this is the second mission of the EERI-EUCENTRE-ReLUIS team after the one carried out in September 2016.
Main aims of the EERI-EUCENTRE-ReLUIS reconnaissance in May 2017: to gather more information after the seismic sequences from October onwards and to understand the effects of the earthquake on structures retrofitted before the shocks occurred.
The team members from Pavia were Dr. A. Penna, Dr. F. Graziotti, Eng. G. Guerrini (Masonry Structures section), Dr. R. Nascimbene (Structural Analysis section), Eng. F. Bozzoni (Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering section).